Process 2019 Update
What is the process
The W3C Process Document describes the organizational structure of the W3C and processes,
responsibilities and functions that enable W3C to accomplish its mission.
Current Process:
What is the process CG
- Open to anyone
- Includes the AB
- Proposes improvements to the Process
- Does not decide: vote is in the AC
- Comments on Process 2019 until 2018-12-18
What’s new (1/7)
1 Mention CGs and BGs in the introduction (admit they exist).
What’s new (2/7)
- 2.3.1 AB from 9 to 11
- PR #216: Allow the AB to have at least 9 and no more than 11 members (in case we hit quieter times)
What’s new (3/7)
2.5.2 Clarification of what constitutes “affiliation” for the purposes of the “change of affiliation” provisions for TAG and AB members
What’s new (4/7)
5.2 Allow one person to represent (with disclosure) multiple organizations in a WG (those orgs must all be members)
What’s new (5/7)
6.1.2 Phrasing and other editorial clarifications (significant in extent)
What’s new (6/7)
6.2.6 (new) Requirements for contributions made by non-WG members (e.g. in cross-func or external wide review)
What’s new (7/7)
PR #214: What exactly do we mean when we say a CR is expected to be ‘acceptable as a Rec.’?